Saturday, April 30, 2016

Hukuman yang Salah (Wrongful Conviction) #JIS #Justice4Innocent

Jika ada bertemu wanita muda di foto ini di jalan, dia mungkin mengingatkan anda pada seseorang - saudara perempuanmu, teman sekolah anda dulu, kolega anda, atau tunangan anda. Dan dia adalah semua itu bagi seseorang. Hingga April yang lalu, Afrischa Setyani adalah seorang perempuan muda yang bahagia, berpekerjaan dan merencakan pernikahannya pada Oktober 2014. Tetapi semuanya berubah dratis saat polisi datang ke kosnya  bersama adiknya di Cinere, Jakarta, menangkapnya atas tuduhan sodomi dari orang tua murid di Jakarta Intercultural School (dulu Jakarta International School).

Menurut para wali murid ini, perempuan muda ini memegang anak mereka sementara 5 orang petugas kebersihan lainnya melakukan pelecehan seksual padanya. Sejak awal, ceritanya tidak masuk akal. Bahkan ketika banyak orang pada awalnya berpikir bahwa telah terjadi perkosaan, pemikiran bahwa seorang perempuan muda dan terpelajar dengan latar belakang dan prospek seperti Afrischa akan ikut serta dalam perbuatan keji tersebut tidak terlihat masuk akal. Seiring dengan terungkapnya kebenaran, komunitas JIS dan banyak yang lainnya meyakini bahwa anak-anak muda adalah korban yang tak bersalah dari keserakahan dan korupsi. Mereka telah ditahan meskipun dengan bukti-bukti yang lemah dan saksi ahli yang kualifikasinya yang dipertanyakan selama proses pengadilan. Mereka bersumpah bahwa pengakuan pertama mereka dilakukan dengan terpaksa dalam siksaan polisi, dan salah satunya meninggal saat dalam tahanan. Semua petugas kebersihan akan mengajukan banding ke Pengadilan Tinggi.

Mari kita telaah bukti-bukti tentang Afrischa. Dia berusia 24 tahun, lahir di Kudus, Jawa Tengah dimana orang tuanya hidup dari berjualan sayur. Pendidikan merupakan sesuatu yang berharga di keluarganya, dan mereka bekerja keras untuk memastikan Afrischa mendapatkan pendidikan. Sebagai seorang anak dan remaja, Afrischa senang membaca, dan dia merupakan siswa beprestasi dalam pelajaran matematika. Dia anak yang aktif dan bermain voli. Setelah lulus dari SMU, dia datang ke Jakarta untuk mencari pekerjaan.

Saat dia diterima kerja di ISS -- Perusaan Denmark -- dan ditugaskan di Rumah Sakit Prikasih di Jakarta Selatan, orang tuanya begitu senang. Sebagai anak sulung dari 4 bersaudara, dia membantu membiayai sekolah adik-adiknya. 2 orang adiknya telah lulus SMU juga, dan yang ketiga masih bersekolah, meskipun tak tahu bisa bertahan berapa lama tanpa bantuan keuangan dari Afrischa. Dia bertemu dengan tunangannya di RS Prikasih, seorang mekanik yang mana Afrischa belajar memanjat gunung darinya. Mereka berencana untuk menikah dengan bantuan dari tantenya Afrischa, yang rencananya akan dilangsungkan pada Oktober tahun kemarin di kampungnya di Jawa, dan kemudian dipestakan lagi di Jakarta Januari tahun ini. Dia bermimpi mengenakan kebaya putih yang indah di upacara pernikahannya.

Pada November 2013, ISS memindahkan Afrischa ke Sekolah Pondok Indah Elementary JIS dimana dia bertugas sebagai petugas kebersihan. Tujuh bulan kemudian, ia dituduh melakukan kejahatan pelecehan anak. Sejak awal, ia mengaku tidak bersalah, dan dengan penasehat hukum yang baik, merupakan satu-satunya petugas kebersihan yang ditahan yang terhindar dari paksaan untuk menandatangani pengakuannya. Meskipun demikian ia tetap ditahan dan akhirnya didakwa.

Selama masa penahanan dan sidang Afrischa, tunangannya selalu bersamanya, dan 100% yakin dia tak bersalah. Ketika dia menerima hukuman 7 tahun penjara, dia hanya berkata, "Afrishkaldera, mungkin banyak gadis yang cantik dan setia di luar sana di dunia ini, tapi engkau istimewa dan special untukku. Aku tak punya alasan untuk meninggalkanmu; Aku tahu kamu tak bersalah. Aku akan menunggumu, berapapun lamanya."

Setelah hakim membacakan putusannya, Afrischa menegakkan bahunya, dan dengan kepala tegak, menghampiri para hakim dan menyalami mereka. Tak satu pun dari mereka melihat matanya.

Mereka yang mengenal Afrischa mengagumi karakternya yang kuat luar biasa. Atasannya, Ibu Dewi, menggambarkannya sebagai seorang pekerja yang "rajin, beretika, dan efisien." Perempuan muda yang pendiam, dia sering makan siang dengan cepat selama jam makan siang di JIS agar bisa sholat. Ibu Afrischa mengatakan, " Afrischa orangnya lurus dan tahu apa yang ingin dicapainya. Dia orangnya baik sekali dan murah hati, mau berbagi dengan adik-adiknya dan teman-temannya, dan rutin membantu mereka yang kurang beruntung. Dia selalu memberikan sesuatu kepada pengemis anak-anak dan tua dan kepada para pemulung." Teman-temannya menggambarkannya sebagai orang yang "baik, pendiam, dan karakter yang bermoral kuat" yang senang teman-temannya datang ke rumahnya.

"Rumah" Afrischa saat ini adalah Rutan Pondok Bambu, di mana dia menunggu kesempatan untuk melakukan banding ke Mahkamah Agung. Bandingnya di Pengadilan Tinggi ditolak. Dia tinggal di sel berukuran 8x10m dengan 13 orang penghuni lainnya. Selnya memiliki toilet yang terbuka dan lampu yang hidup 24 jam sepanjang waktu. Ada 10 kasur untuk 14 orang dengan seprei yang disediakan dari keluarga para tahanan. Tidak semua bisa membelinya. Tante Afrischa mampu memberikannya kasur dan seprei.

Bagi kebanyakan orang, ini merupakan sebuah kebodohan, tetapi bahkan dalam kesulitannya, Afrischa tetap menawarkan bantuan dan penghiburan kepada orang lain, membagi makanannya dengan teman satu selnya dan membacakan Al-Qur'an untuk mereka. Setelah sholat Maghrib, dia melanjutkan membaca dan berdoa hingga dia tertidur. Dia percaya bahwa ujian ini hanya akan membuat dirinya semakin kuat dan taat, dan saat ini dia berpuasa dua kali seminggu. Dia datang ke perpustakaan, dan melewati waktu dengan mengajarkan teman-teman selnya membuat gantungan kunci dan dompet dari manik-manik. Dia memberikannya kepada para wali murid JIS dan guru yang mendukungnya melewati masa-masa sulit.

"Hal tersulit dari mimpi buruk ini", kata Afrischa, " adalah jauh dari keluarga yang aku cintai disaat mereka begitu mengkhawatirkanku. Aku kangen sekali dengan mereka.

Tetapi," dia menambahkan, sambil melipat tangannya, "Aku belajar banyak dari ketidakadilan ini. Aku telah belajar untuk jangan pernah takut jika kamu tahu kamu benar. Jangan berhenti berdoa. Jangan pernah menyerah. Aku tidak bisa bilang ini sebuah tragedi, tapi sebuah berkat karena meskipun aku telah salah dituduh, aku jadi lebih dekat dengan Tuhan. Aku telah berkembang menjadi pribadi yang kuat karenanya, dan karena semua cinta dan dukungan yang aku dapatkan dari keluarga besar JIS. Aku tak bersalah, dan aku yakin dengan bantuan Tuhan, aku akan menang banding dan dibebaskan."

Saya tidak percaya perempuan muda yang diam dan sabar ini mampu melukai anak kecil manapun. Saya yakin bahwa seseorang berusaha mendapatkan 125 juta dolar dengan mengorbankan nama baik anak-anak muda ini, masa depan keuangan keluarga mereka and tahun-tahun berharga dalam kehidupan mereka. Saya ingin percaya bahwa sistem hukum di Indoensia akan memberikan keadilan pada mereka. Saya tahu Afrischa dan rekan-rekannya tidak bersalah. 

Saya mohon, jika anda menjunjung tinggi kebebasan dan HAM, bergabunglah dengan saya memohon transparansi dan proses hukum yang adil dalam pengajuan banding berikutnya.

Artikel ini merupakan tejemahan dari artikel ini -> Wrongful Conviction dengan sepengetahuan penulisnya, Ibu Kristan Julius @kcjulius.
Gambar dan foto diambil dari artikel yang sama.

[END] JIS Criminalization Case -- Investigation Metodhology -- by @kurawa #Sinetwit #Justice4Innocent

Alright, I start my serial tweet in the time I rarely tweet. It's the time people rarely look at their gadgets.

There are many people asking me on how I investigated this JIS case beside of literacy observation and my visit to the convicts.

I learned  about this JIS case in detail from many sources then I combined all of them into one story to reveal the forgotten facts.

Actually there're a lot of news and articles about JIS, unfortunately there's none which is comprehensive and in detail.

This JIS criminalizarion perperators intentionally kept the detail about the incident so that people's concentration focused on the sodomy only.

They hid the business aspect because they knew Indonesian are so sensitive about Anal. Easy to provocate.

Even so, I still follow their rule of game. I learn about sodomy and pedophilia in order to get the whole truth.

There are only 2 motives in pedophilia sexual violence in the world: Personal pleasure (sexual disorder) and business (porn movie)

In all of the pedophilia violence in this world they almost never do it together. In majority, it's done by a single.

This JIS Sodomy case by the crowd was the most unique incident in the sexual disorder world because it is indeed hard to find the victim and the performers.

Sexual disorder "congregation" in a community can be said to be almost impossible. Unless they're suffering from black magic or witch's curse.

Therefore I said that it's hard to find the victims and the performers altogether in a large amount and in a concentrated place.

From my observation to some journalists who do the special coverage about sodomy pedophiles in Indonesia (Robot Gedek and Babe).

They got "perfect" pleasure when the children were moaning painfully during sodomy.

That perfect pleasure took a long time when sodomizing. The more the children moaned, the more they like it. Therefore, one execution would take a long time.

So, we can conclude that this JIS incident could be said to be impossible if the motive is sexual disorder. Furthermore, there was only one minute available. 

If sexual disoder motive is impossible, therefore there was probably a business motive? I traced this carefully.

If Marc, Alex, and Deniz were the victims of sodomy porn business, we can be sure that their movie will be spread out over the internet.

I searched for the keywords Kindegarten, Indonesia, or any keywords referring me to the evidence and the result was nothing. There's no movie about these JIS students.

I didn't despair. In order to be sure of this serial tweets exposure of the evidence, therefore I used "follow the money" technique. If it's true about the business, there must be money transfer.

With the help from some friends of mine, I traced these cleaners bank accounts so see if there's money transferred in quite large amount.

I successfully got the cleaners account statements in the period of execution time accused by the investigators. Do you want me to upload them?

The cleaners have only 1 account respectively (Bank Rakyat Indonesia) They used the account also for the salary payment from ISS.

This is Afrsicha's BRI account statement in the period of December 2013 to March 2014. If we see the account statement, look at the salary. It's so pathetic.

This is Agun's account statement in the period of December 2013 to April 2014. There's no transfer coming in except the pathetic amount of salary.

This is Awan's BRI account statement. This is as pathetic as the others.

The last one is Syahrial's account statement. Same thing. There's no money transfer coming in except the salary.

I actually have also obtained the teachers' account statements. But, I don't upload because the families objected and the accounts are still active.

The conclusion was Fredi's and Neil's accounts were clear. There was no suspicious mutation.

Therefore the possibility of porn business motive in this JIS case, according to my opinion, was not proven. There's no money flow.

I pause at the moment because I have meeting with Jarik Community, the Petition for Severe Punishment to JIS sexual criminal initiator.

OK, let's continue. I have done the confirmation. Where are the shouts???

The meeting with Jarik Community last night was conducive enough. I was openly asked by them (4 people). Unluckily, Femma didn't come.

They asked about the motive of the investigation, metodhology, and the evidence. I answer all questions thoroughly.

There were 2 interesting questions that made me to have to reconfirm this morning:
1. Was there any evidence of SMS (Short Message Service)sent from the teachers to cleaners about Marc's sodomy?

So, according to them, the investigators found SMS in one of the cleaners' handphones with message: The Boy (Marc) is here...

I confirmed to the cleaners. Zaenal's handphone was taken by the investigators then 2 days later it was shown the SMS evidence.

But I won't discuss further about this beacuse from my investigation, In the District Court verdict there's nothing about SMS evidence from Zaenal's handphone.

From the evidence presented by the investigators, there's nothing about Handphone or SMS. So, there's no need to discuss.

There's only 1 evidence slipped from my investigation. There's a 2GB Sony pro duo memory stick. What was it?

This 2GB memory stick was "said" to be found on their search in Awan's house. It contained porn movies.

When I confirmed, Awan said that he never knew what memory stick was. He said that his handphone was the old-fashioned one so how could he know?

And what's strange was eventhough it's used as evidence, this memory stick was never mentioned in the verdict. That meant that this evidence is naught.

And according to me, it's strange and there no relation between sodomy and the porn movies. 

So I considered the information about digital evidence in this JIS case naught. Eventhough it seems to be forced, the judge focused only in the confession.

By the way, I am thankful of this information. At least, it's for anticipating if there's someone suddenly "submitting this evidence" in the future.

2. About the possibility of the cleaners and teachers were just "rubbing their penises" to the kid's butt. Therefore they transmitted "Herpes" to Marc. I reconfirmed about this.

I observed that there's Canada CBC TV journalist ever investigated this JIS Criminalization case and uploaded the result in Youtube.

The programme title is Fifth Estate: JIS case. This journalist succeeded to  get the advanced lab result about Marc's Herpes in Belgia.

It turned out that Mrs Theresia secretly had an advanced lab examination with the recommendation from SOS Medika Clinic in Jakarta to see if Marc was infected by genital herpes.

The investigation on the lab result from Belgia can be watched here:

The title is horrible: "Nightmare in Indonesia". It showed how this JIS criminalization was so naked. All of the legal evidence were fake.

Although Mrs Theresia secretly had advanced lab examination for Marc, the result leaked out because of God's help for sure.

Unfortunately, Mrs Theresia has not obtained God's enlightment. With the leak of the lab result she didn't brave to confess that JIS sodomy case was just a "Dream".

With the leak of the lab result, it should be assured that this JIS case is similar to the case of Mc Martin in 1984 in USA.

The crazy thing is even with the issue of lab result of herpes free, the US$125 million lawsuit still continue on. Unbelievable!

The appeal brief the US$125 million civil lawsuit has been submitted to Hight Court because they lost in District Court. It's because OC Kaligis has been detained.

I just deliver the message to Mrs Theresia's lawyer who's monitoring my tweets to emphasize your conscience.

I have held the name of the lawyer replacing OC Kaligis in this lawsuit. No need to mention.

If you can make peace with your conscience in this case, then we forcefully have to war in the social media. The consequence is tough, brother!

Continue on the meeting result yesteday about sodomy or rubbing the penis whatever the modus is, it all can be denied by the clear "Legal Evidence".

Therefore when I was again asked whether I am sure if these JIS cleaners and teachers were innocent, I firmly answer YES ( without any doubt at all).

The meeting ended at this point. Jarik Community said that they would dicuss it with their friends. I hoped they realised their mistake. Amen!

I just want to deliver my "Vision" for the next 10 years that the terrorists in Indonesia won't later be from the religious fundamentalist group.

But it will come from the community of families that has been victimized by the "country". Their resentment will imprint to their descendants.

Before this criminalization was revealed, there were many people supporting Mrs Theresia and friends because they thought it would destroy their children's future.

But with this criminalization, it has already destroyed the future of the cleaners' and the teachers' children, wives, parents, and big families. The damage is more "Enormous".

If we keep silent then we are part of the sinners who let this crime committed in front of us. Remember their pray.

We have to encourage the legal team of the cleaners and teachers to submit a Judical Review (Peninjauan Kembali/PK) for their freedom.

New evidence must be submitted to the Supreme Court. It can be the testimony from Dr. Osmina or Marc's lab result in Belgia that has to be obtained from the CBC journalist.

The damage resulted from this JIS criminalization has been enormous, such as death, imprisoned people, neglected families, materials.

While Mrs Theresia has lived in Belgia, Mrs Dewi in Spain, and Deniz' family in Germany. They have lived peacefully dan happily there.

We also pray for the family of Marc, Alex, and Deniz so that God will open their hearts to withdraw their lwasuit.

When I talked to the cleaners in the prison, I promised them that I will help them as maximal as possible to at least not be punished by the society.

If this step is blessed by God by releasing them from the prison, it is a bonus. It's not because of Me, but it's because of YOU all.

They died and were in prison because there's contribution of our misguided opinion, therefore we have compensate by getting the freedom for them by our opinion too.

In the next serial tweet (The last one) we will discuss about your plan of actions to obtain their freedom.

We prove that Indonesians still have the love. Ironically, this JIS case obtained incredible symphathies from overseas.

I end these very long serial tweets of JIS criminalization (I may be a new record) with remark: "JUSTICE for THE INNOCENT".

"You Never Know How Strong You Are, Until being Strong is Your Only Choice" *Bob Marley #Justice4Innocent

Friday, April 29, 2016

JIS Criminalization Case -- Made-up Lab Report & 2 JIS Teachers' Verdicts -- by @kurawa #Sinetwit #Justice4Innocent

On 29 September, the trial of sodomy case against the cleaners then began in Jakarta Selatan District Court. Pros and cons in the society spread out.

YLBHI (Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation) lawyer, Patra M, Zen began to defend the cleaners. Group of JIS parents supported and believed this case was a made-up.

This JIS parents support was a unique one. Hundreds supporting parents were against 3 parents who accused that there's sodomy incident in the school.

JIS parents tirelessly kept supporting the cleaners and teachers.

While the haters also mobilized movements starting from KPAI (Indonesian Child Protection Commission) who kept "playing" in the mass media to Petition for Severe Punishment with 70 thousands signs.

Unluckly, with minimum evidence, the claners lost in the trial, the judge sentenced the cleaners on 22 December 2014 as follow:

Male cleaners were sentenced for 8 years jail and 100 million Rupiah fine (6 month subsidiary jail). While Ica was sentenced for 7 years jail and 100 million Rupah fine (6 month subsidiary jail).

The Cleaners appealed to the High Court in July 2015 and they were lost. They appealed to the Supreme Court on 24 February 2016 and they were decided guilty. Now, they are officially CONVICTS.

Why the cleaners were lost in trial even with the weak evidence. This is the interesting one, I'll reveal the facts. Be ready! Take a DEEP INHALE!

I have tweeted yesterday. Memorize the 21 April 2014 incident. Today is exactly 2 years of big scandal of criminalization case in this country.

On 21 April 2014, OC Kaligis announced for the first time the US$12.5 million civil lawsuit against JIS.

At that time, the lawyer was so sure that the evidence wouldn't be strong. Because RCSM visum report stated clearly that Marc's anus was normal.

Therefore, new visum report had to be made from other hospital so that there's medical evidence if Marc was indicated of being sodomized.

On 27 March 2014 Mrs Theresia has "prepared" the scenario. She went to Pondok Indah Hospital Jakarta Selatan.

Mrs Theresia met a dermatolo-venereologist, dr. Osmina. She said that his son (Marc) has been raped by pedhopile.

Mrs Theresdia told Dr. Osmina "I need Medical Certificate for insurance claim".

To support this medical certificate, medical prescription of medicines related to genital herpes was attached (to reimburse).

Dr Osmina fulfilled Mrs Theresia's request, because this kind of thing is common in Indonesia. Let's confess, have you ever done that?

In the medical certificate issued by Dr. Osmina, it was written as if there's examination to Marc's Anus (wounded and purulent). Eventhough there's none.

This certificate was held by Mrs Theresia (27 March 2014) and was released again when they filed the US$12.5 million lawsuit.

In April 2014, the lawyer requested the police to do the visum, so that they could win the case, and was referred to RSPI (Pondok Indah Hospital).

This is first the visum request from the police to RSCM (Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital) on 24 March 2014.. We will compare later.

Let's compare to the new visum request (there's no date only month) to RSPI (Pondok Indah Hospital)

This is the proof of Dr. Osmina's "examination" on 27 March 2014. Look at the strange signature.

This is the "fake visum" report issued by RSPI (Pondok Indah Hospital). In examination report no. 2 was the request from Mrs Theresia's insurance.

Look at the date this visum signed was on 21 April 2014, coinciding with the US$12.5 million lawsuit

God is infite justice. There's always a help from Him. dr Osmina had made a confession that she's wrong and this was just Mrs Theresia's trick.

This is the statement letter written by Dr. Osmina as her confession on Mrs Theresia's misconduct on 27 April 2014

Dr. Osmina's statement letter was read in front of Indonesian National Police Commission (Kompolnas). Then Kompolnas issued this recommendation.

Dr. Osmina's statement letter was also followed up by Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology (Perdoski) by stating that the visum was invalid.

The conclusion was dr M. Luthfi Syafii never examined Marc. He only cited Dr. Osmina's medical certificate for insurance claim.

We have to appreciate and to respect Dr. Osmina's courage.  he braved to tell the truth even she was under pressure and it's late. One life has gone.

Dr. Osmina's confession will be used a new evidence for the next trial that the visum provided by the law enforcer was fake.

There was risk of law, career, and life carried by Dr. Osmina. The country has to protect Dr. Osmina as safe as possivle. We'll help to monitor.

This engineered case has been reported to The Supreme Court of Indonesia by the victims' families. But there's still no follow-up.

These document caused the cleaner's case to lose in all trials. This fake visum (Lab Report) was held onto by the judges.

I realise that what I have revealed just now is also risky. But I believe that God has decided to help these 8 criminalized people.

I need your support to urge the government to intervent in this JIS criminalization case. I will explain in the next serial tweet.

We move to the trial of the teachers. The time line and process were also exciting.

Fredi (Indonesian-Dutch) and Neil Bantleman (Canadian), 2 victimized JIS teachers were defended by the lawyer Hotman Paris in Jakarta Selatan District Court.

Distict Court verdict on 2 April 2015 sentenced these 2 teacher 10 years jail and 100 miliion Rupiah fine (6 month subsidiary jail). They won their appeal to High Court and was released from jail.

But at the Supreme Court's appeal, the judge increased their verdict to 11 years of jail. So tragic.

In this teacher case, the investigators used more explanation from the Psychologist than the visum report (Lab report). Why? Because teacher was the key for the civil lawsuit.

From the verdict I've read, The children's testimonies (Alex, Marc, and Deniz) were justified by one psychologist. This was strange.

And the crazy thing was that from the lawyer's questions used as "evidence" it turned out that the psychologists were paid by parents (2 parents)

While the other psychologist had conflict of interest because she was police's partner. They made the conclusion that the children remarks were true.

The objection from teachers' lawyer about the appoinment of these non independent psychologists was not responded by the judges in District Court and Supreme Court.

This is the name of the police's (Polda Metro Jaya) partner psychologist who became key witness.

There's a touching moment in this teacher case. When High Court release them, that should be the moment for them to back to their country for good.

But the two of them agreed to stay still in Indonesia as a solidarity to the cleaners who were still in prison.

According to the logic and common sense, if the teachers were really pedophiles, they would run away after they were released. They are brave because they are innocent, therefore they faced it.

Remarks from the relatives were proven, In the Supreme Court cassation verdict, where Judge Artidjo was one the judges, the sentenced was increased to 11 years. There were jailed again.

There's one unique thing in this cassation from the photo captured from Supreme Court website.

The announcement of panel of judges handling this case appeared on 22 February 2016 and on 24 February 2016 they issued the verdict.

It took only 1 day for the panel of judges to decide this very complicated case. Probably Mr Artidjo thought this was corruption case so the verdict should be exacerbated.

We don't know for sure, but this was an anomaly. Sometimes, someone can have a bad luck over other perceptions of him as exacerbation judge.

After this Supreme Court verdict, then this 2 JIS teachers were officially convicts. I saw Fredi was so devastated when I visited LP Cipinang (prison).

4 male cleaners and 2 JIS teachers are now imprisoned in LP Cipinang, they are safe there because their inmates believe that they are innocent.

While Ica has been transferred from Pondok Bambu prison to Semarang prison.

In my visitation to Cipinang and Semarang prison, I was not allowed to take pictures, I heard the information from them directly and strengthen their mental.

On 14 July 2015 where the US$125 million lawsuit was on trial, OC Kaligis was arrested by KPK (Indonesian Corruption Eradiction Commission), with accusation of, probably, what he has done in this JIS case.

We can not prove the power of the prays from victimized people but with OC Kaligis' arrest, you must start to believe the power of pray and cry.

The Untouchable Lawyer, that's his cool nickname. Therefore we now have to believe that God orders us to move to free the innocents.

That's enough. I still have 2 serial tweets (probably) to discuss this JIS criminalization about how I investigated this case.

And the last one I will open a discussion with you all about what we have to do to free them. Promise me to support okay?

JIS Criminalization Case -- JIS Teachers Criminalization Scenario -- by @kurawa #Sinetwit #Justice4Innocent

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

JIS Criminalization Case -- The Cleaners' Life Part III -- by @kurawa #Sinetwit #Justice4Innocent

This morning we will discuss the light ones, but also tearing, okay? We move back to my visit to 3 other cleaners' house.

We start from my visit to late Azwar's house in Pangkalan Jati, Depok through a narrow alley to get to the house.

I met late Azwar's younger sister who studied in SMK. She escorted to their simple house.

Upon arriving, late Azwar's mother (Emak) greeted me. She's selling Gorengan (fried foods) in front of the house. She doesn't earn much but it's enough for daily foods.

Emak said that she has tried to forget about Azwar's case because it's very broken-hearted to remember it. I respected her privacy, I didn't ask much.

Emak said late Azwar "often come home". She felt his presence and sometimes invited him to talk.

I ask about Azwar's daily life. Emak said he is the family's contributor since his father had passed away.

When late Azwar studied in STM, she was scared of student brawl. Azwar was a peaceful and quite kid according to Emak.

After working as a cleaner, he had a side job as motorcycles/cars washer in a steamed car wash. Azwar also diligently went to the Musholla to pray.

He used the money he earned to pay for his sister's study and also to pay for a used-motorcycle installment (It's now ridden by his sister to go to school).

These are late Azwar's mother, his sister, and his elder brother who works as a Go-Jek Driver.

I actually wanted to ask why the family didn't submitted a suit regarding Azwar's death. But it's not done because Emak refused.

I got information from other victims's families that it's prohibited to autopsy Azwar's corpse because of the intervention from one of Azwar's Ustazs

This Ustaz was the one who said it's prohibited to "strip down" the corpse and it had to be burried soon. Emak obeyed him. We respect her belief.

From the information I got, I learned that Azwar's arrest in the midnight was "facilitated" by this Ustaz by inviting him to pray.

There's a rumour that Emak's house is now partially renovated (walled) because there's a "help" to keep her quite. Hopefully, it's wrong.

Enough from my visit to late Azwar's house, I then still got time to visit another cleaner's house, that's Syahrial's. This was the tense one.

Ugh! What is tense? Do you want the tense or the soft story this morning? Answer me fast!

Hahaha... You crazy face, you all turn out to like the tense ones. Upside and downside are tense, it's danger!. Alright, be ready!

Syahrial's house is located in Parakan, Pamulang II. It is inside the villages because Syahrial's brother is well known as goat seller.

Then I met Syahrial's mother. She is old but still agile. Thanks God, they'are all healthy, Syahrial's wife and his 5 years old son.

This is the appearance of Syahrial's mother, wife, and son. The background is their house.

In this visit, I talked to Syahrial's brother (Bang Andi), whom follows this case from the beginning, more.

At Syahrial's first pick-up, His brother has actually been informed that Syahrial would be assigned as suspect. Syahrial was asked to move.

But Syahrial insisted he will face it because he was so sure that he's innocent. (Info about Awan's and Agun's torture has spread out at that time)

Whe he was picked up, he said to be a witness. He asked permission to pray (sholat) beforehand in order to God gives him the strength.

From the 3 cleaners' confession (Zaenal, Agun, and Awan) and Syahrial's Defense Letter, it's proven that Syahrial endured the longest torture.

Syahrial was able to hold and to not admit the sodomy insistently for almost 12 hours.

The worst tortures were when he had a lit cigarette thrust into both of his eyes, his ears were stapled, and his genital was rubbed by balm even chili sauce.

There's one touching moment when Syahrial has finished interrogated, Agun asked permission to help Syahrial relased the staples from his ears.

Syahrial was once accused being "invulnarable" beacuse eventhough his body was black-and-blue, but his face was fine. He said because he's still having ablution (Wudhu)

Thanks God Syahrial is in good fate, At the moment, he is the only one still enthusiastic that they are innocent. This proof came from my visitation to the prison.

Back to Syahrial's house, his brother said he often talk tough to Syahrial in hadling this case so they're like opponent now.

I could only tell Syahrial's brother that in this situation, emotion's often present, "I am sure it's beacuse you love each other." 

In front of Syahrial's wife, he said that since Syahrial suffered from hernia, he had sexual disfunction. So, how come he can sodomize?

From all of the suspect cleaners, Syahrial was the only one who had son already ( 2+ years old) at that moment. So, it's a bit strange to suscpect him.

There were many touching moments in which Syahrial as a father felt so hard to be apart with his son. He said to his son that he's working.

So, everytime his son asked "Mom, where's dad?" Syahrial asked his family to tell him that he's still unable to go home because he has to work (in jail)

I've uploaded the touching photo of Syahrial and his son in my Instagram @tetapkurawa. Check this out. I guarantee your money back if you don't cry.

Have you finished the sad and the tense? What's next?

I hope so much Syahrial's brother could coordinate the families of JIS criminalization victims so they are more unified to face this.

Syahrial's economic is not so good either, relying only on his brother.

My last visit was to Agun's house in Pondok Ranji, South Tangerang. The location can only be reached by one car in line.

His family are native to Jakarta (Betawi). I met his father (Babe), his mother (Enyak), and his wife (mixed of Javanese and Lampung) and his one and a half years old daugther (she is so cute)

Agun's economic condition is better than other cleaners. Babe had provided him a small house attached to the bigger house.

When Agun was arrested, he was just married not so long, she was in her 7 month pregnancy. She's so shocked. This was her first pregnancy.

His wife believes her husband has no sexual disorder. She believes Agun is normal. There's no sexual disorder.

At her pregnancy, Agun's wife fought for her husband freedom. She was suffering much that time.

Therefore if you search in google for TV programmes broadcasting about this JIS case, you'll find Agun's wife who fought for her husband.

This is the appearance of Agun's wife and the cute Nabila.

Agun's wife said that Nabila wanted to be carried by her father (Agun) if she's persuaded with ice-cream in the prison. They visited him once in 3-4 weeks.

Agun just said "Don't visit too often." Considering that they have to rent a car (big family), so it's enonugh just by over the phone.

Agun's mother just said "Resign to God all this test. I can only pray if Agun can pass this, he will be happy in the future."

Enough for today, alright? It's time to work again. Serial tweets are still long enough and many things will amaze you.

Once more, I only quoted all remarks and statements from the cleaners' families side. I've visited 6 families in order to get accurate facts.

SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan) = Vocational High School
STM (Sekolah Teknik Menengah) = Industrial High School
Ustaz = a person who teaches about Islam

JIS Criminalization Case -- Reconstruction of Sodomy -- by @kurawa #Sinetwit #Justice4Innocent

After I revealed the prime modus behind JIS criminalization from Mrs Theresia and the old OC Kaligis, now we are back to the custody.

Mrs Theresia's accusation and early report to the police involved only 2 persons. Now, the suspects were 6 cleaners????

Investigator started to get confused about he and she in Mrs Theresia story version was now becoming hehehehehe (5 males), if you read it's like laughing isn't it?, and 1 she.

Then new story about the sodomy and harrasment process was designed. I'll write about it later. Under-age are not permitted to read.

In a month and 4 days, the investigators finally were able to create a "story" how the sodomy process occured. It needed high level fantasy.

On 30 June 2014, the reconstruction of sodomy incident was held in the PIE (Kindegarten and Elementary School) JIS Pondok Indah, in the toilet to be exact.

From my conversation with the cleaners in prison, they said that they were brought to the reconstruction but they were asked to watch the process only.

All processes of the reconstruction were done by subtitutes. They were just asked "It's like this, isn't it?" "Yes.." "Like this?" "Yes.." by the investigators.

It's needed an excellent film director to construct a gangbang story of 6 men sodomizing a kid. Furthermore, the incident occured  at the break time.

Marc was in the playgroup class. His break time was 30 minutes from 10.45 to 11.15. How did they arrange it for 6 men in such a short time?

If the six did it, then the allocation time to "do" Marc for each of them is 5 minutes.. Hhmm.. That meant all the cleaners having premature ejaculation. 

If five penises altogether penetrated Marc's anus, wouldn't they destroy his anus? Okay, let's change it.

I asked the cleaners again "So you guys didn't know the investigator's version of sodomy process?" They said "We didn't know at all."

Then I searched for the investigator's version of sodomy scenario in the BAP read in the trial in District Court. Do you want me you write it down?

The investigators divided the sodomy incident into 4 parts and what was strange was all phases contained no date. I think it violated the Human Rights because alibi was ruled out.

First part was "Around January", Awan called Zainal: "Do you want to "do" that kid from yesterday (Marc)?" Then Agun and Syahrial were called as well.

Syahrial invited Marc to the anggrek toilet downstair. Zaenal was already in and then Zaenal shouted "Ahoy, help me!" Marc's body was held.

Marc's mouth was covered and his clothes were put off, then Zaenal penetrated his penis to Marc's anus in doggy style.

Zaenal finished in 5 minutes and out of the toilet then Agun replaced him. He unzipped his pants then penetrated his penis to Marc's anus and ejaculated a minute after.

Agun ejaculated in a minute, then it's Syahrial's turn. He unzipped his pants and penetrated and ejaculated in 5 minutes. And Awan's the last one. there's no mention on how long Awan took the kid for.

Second part was " Around February". Agun called Ica to help him cleaning Anggrek Toilet. Then Awan & Agun asked Ica to take off Marc's pants.

Agun was twisting his penis beside Ica whose underwear was dropped to her knee and she masturbated by caressing her vagina.

Ica patted Marc's undressed butt. Then Awan dragged Marc to janitor room followed by Ica. Agun was standy-by in front of the toilet.

Ica held the victim backside up and covered Marc's mouth by her hand than Ica put her index finger into Marc's anus.

Ica spread opened Marc's anus and shouted to Awan: "Wanna put yours in?" Then Awan penetrated his penis into Marc's anus. Then it's Agun's turn after Awan.

After Agun finished sodomizing Marc, Awan pointed a scrapper to Marc's face "Don't tell anyone!" Marc's tummy was hit twice and then he's asked to go.

Third part was "Around February", Awan met the late Azwar, Syahrial and Zaenal were invited to Anggrek Toilet meeting Marc up there.

As usual, the four of them sodomized Marc respectively. Awan was the only one who ejaculated his sperm. Marc's tummy was hit twice. "Don't tell anyone!"

Fourth part (the last) was "Around February". The Process was Awan, Azwar, Zaenal and Syahrial sodomized Marc respectively. They punched Marc's tummy again twice.

This is the first part of sodomy incident in the BAP in PN Jaksel verdict.

This is the second part.

This is the third part

And this is the last one, the fourth part.

From this BAP, you have to read my first serial tweet again about basic knowledge of Homosexual, Sodomy, and Pedhophilia.

Investigator's BAP has changed drastically from Mrs Theresia's early report. There was no incident in the date mentioned by Mrs Theresia (15 March 2014)

This scenario was too sadictic to ever happen. Even porn movie producer with xxx rated hardcore level wouldn't dare to imagine.

5 years old kid's anus hole is so tiny and vulnerable. Sodomy process would be very painful and destroy kid's anus

5 minutes, 1 minutes as if the cleaners' penises were having intercourse with mineral water bottle's big hole. (bottle used in bottled water dispenser)

Why were the incidents in the BAP made so brief? Because playgroup students were strictly supervised by their teachers. In 5to 10 minutes time, the teachers would search for them if they're not around.

That's why I was desperate to find movie about sodomy,  I want to know the sodomy process by adults. Oh my God, it was difficult, took a long time, and needed well preparation.

What's crazy was Anggrek toilet was located close to where the students gathered and just 25 meters away from Marc's class.

These are the photos of Anggrek toilet, the one covered with board in where Marc's was reported to be sodomized. It's close to the playground.

This is Marc's appearance, it's successfully recorded by the teacher's handphone at the same time as the sodomy incident accused by the mother. He's playing at the slide.

And the last one, I have Marc's absency data since 2013 to April 2014. He went to school diligently, there're 1 or 2 days he was absence for end year holiday.

Okay, that's it for the serial tweets today, I don't mean to tell you porn, I am just sharing this to measure whether we as Indonesian are still having a healthy logic or not.

Don't forget to keep praying for them, the victims of this JIS case, in prison. They really need your prayers. And the last one, keep spreading this out.

BAP (Berita acara Pemeriksaan) = Investigation & Interrogation Report
PIE = Pondok Indah Elementary
PN Jaksel (Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan) = Jakarta Selatan District Court

Please excuse me for my limited english and limited knowledge on medical and legal terms in the previous translations, next translations, and this translation.